Friday, October 20, 2017

Membership Card

Dear Member, 

As a valued member of The AACI, you are now able to view, download, and print your membership card showing membership class, number, and expiration date.

As we are proud of our members worldwide, The AACI continues improving its quality services to its members.

Your membership card appears under the membership details heading on your profile with all your membership details filled in. From there, you can download your membership card as an image optimized for display on smartphones, or as a printable PDF.

Downloading the card as a PDF allows you to print the design directly onto cardstock then cut out the card along the cropmarks that appear on the page. You should make sure you set the scaling to 100% before printing.

The size of the membership cards is 88.9 x 50.8 mm or 3.5 x 2 inches when printed at 300 dpi (1050 x 600 pixels).

You can reach your membership card when you log into your account and click here

We highly value your membership at The AACI. Be proud.


Certification and Membership Dept.; Email: