President's Message

 L B. Files

I would like to welcome you to The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) official blog. It is evident that corruption became an international phenomenon crossing national borders. It is no longer an option to do nothing regarding fraud and corruption. However, fighting corruption is multifaceted and should always be carried out in a disciplined approach. The AACI believes that qualified management is well-positioned to effectively fight fraud and corruption.

Because tone will always be at the top, The AACI believes that decision makers should always have anti- fraud intelligence.  The AACI believes that management is the weakest cycle that usually jeopardizes any anti-corruption effort in any entity. Despite the fact that there is too much literature written about the role of management in fighting fraud and corruption, no one organization or school provides specific disciplined education and approaches to fight fraud and corruption that engages middle and upper management in the anti-corruption process.

The AAC fills this gap and provides its members with an anti-corruption certification program and further study those conditions that lead to fraud and corruption and the most effective means to battle fraud and corruption. When a member passes the program exam, (s) he will be certified as Certified Anti-Corruption Manager ® ©(CACM) ® ©.

As there is a significant lack of fraud and corruption empirical research, The AACI is committed to focus on national and regional research all over the globe to help management and policy makers effectively fight fraud and corruption.

Thank you for your time and we would like to see you among us at the AACIs members.

L.B. Files