Saturday, September 30, 2017

The board of directors is the weakest link in fighting corruption.

Setting the proper tone at the top requires executive management to be equipped with adequate and sufficient anti-corruption intelligence. Anti-Corruption Intelligence is is what #CACM does. It provides those charged with governance in any entity with the path to prevent, deter, and even detect fraud and corruption from the top. 

When one does not know what corruption is, she or he will never see it. A board of directors members has duties they should meet: the duty of care and loyalty. They have a fiduciary duty shareholders expect them to fulfill as well. Fighting corruption costs are investments: they are not an expense.

The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) targets those charged with governance and executive management to help them meet their duties and set the proper tone at the top. #نزاهة #corruption #theaaci