During the launch mega event The AACI and Birzeit Consulting - Qatar had in Doha - Qatar on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, Mike J. Masoud, The AACI Technical Advisory Director in The Middle East and Africa had an interview with CNBC Arabia where he addressed the mission of The AACI and the role The AACI plays in the Middle East and Africa to prevent corruption. Masoud reiterated that targeting decision makers and those charged with governance is what distinguishes The AACI. "We target them through education, training, and qualifying them to obtain the Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM) credential" Masoud stated.
Masoud urged board of directors and executive management of all entities to have CACMs among them to lower the risk of fraud and corruption.
Masoud stated that fighting corruption is local and countries should have national strategic corruption prevention policies that are designed to be executed effectively and with full accountability.