The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) Membership Classes
As management has no choice but to fight corruption that hits everywhere worldwide, those who charged with governance must act and do all what ittakes to show leadership in fighting corruption. It is the AACI's belief that qualified management will realize and achieve real results.
The Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM) credential is the management professional track that leads management in fighting corruption proactively, effectively and efficiently.
When prevention is better than cure, those who charged with governance should realize that qualified management is always the best corruption prevention measure. Never say never and it may not be too late! Join the AACI today.
For the first time ever, management and those charged with
governance have a real opportunity to fight fraud and corruption from the
top. Unless equipped with a disciplined approach, knowledge and
skills, it is impossible for any management to have real and sustainable
anti-corruption results.
As management has no choice but to fight corruption that hits everywhere worldwide, those who charged with governance must act and do all what ittakes to show leadership in fighting corruption. It is the AACI's belief that qualified management will realize and achieve real results.
The Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM) credential is the management professional track that leads management in fighting corruption proactively, effectively and efficiently.
When prevention is better than cure, those who charged with governance should realize that qualified management is always the best corruption prevention measure. Never say never and it may not be too late! Join the AACI today.